And you can't have a farmhouse without a farm, can you? Barns, sheds, fields, woods, meadows... We have the lot. Although... it's not in the best of states. Not by far. But I kind of like old ramshackle barns, and I like the look of old weather-worn wood. Too bad we can't keep it like this for ever. The barn would eventually fall if we tried. There will be new planks replacing the old rotten ones, and there will be paint... a lot of it. We will be busy, for sure, I mainly with the inside of the house, and P with the barns, the woods and everything else. And we will be happy taking care of this old place. And no, I do not intend to turn this blog into one of those interior decorating blogs, even though I love looking through them. This is, and will remain, mainly a scrapblog. But don't be surprised if I sneak in a few photos of our projects every now and then. Consider it altering. I've altered houses before, just not big ones.
I'm leaving you today with a detail of one of the windows of the barn. Don't you just love it?
7 kommentarer:
I can see why you have been silent: Congrats! I know there is a lot of work to be done, but it surely is a dream come true.
Love the picture of the barn!
Läckert! Och vill ni sen få en fin väderbiten underhållsfri (i princip) look på hus och lador kan ni använda er av järnvitriol. Stryk det istället för färg och efter något år får träet en vacker silvergrå ton.
Congrats! What a beautiful home!!!
It's beautiful, congrats again!!!
Ser underbart ut!!!
Hoppas ni får det fint där!!
Kikat runt i bloggen och fann massor av finfina saker du gjort sen sist jag var in här.
Tack för all inspiration!
I agree with you about the the cute farmhouse, it looks like it's filled with charm!!!!
Wanted to jump in here and see what you're up to, have a nice afternoon and evening, CU!
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