What is it with this time of year? What is it that makes you so short of time that you can't even manage to update your poor neglected blog once in a while? For me it's mostly work related. I have tons of essays to read, tests to grade, parent-teacher conferences, courses to attend, etc. Lots and lots of overtime in other words. And if that wasn't enough, we have two very important birthdays coming up, which are of course the kids'. We managed to get both of them in May, a lovely month for a birthday, of course, but oh, so full of things to do... And even though the days are longer and brighter, and the weather has been just perfect for the last couple of weeks, I haven't been this tired for ages. I feel like a balloon someone let all the air out from. It's a good thing that I really like my job, and that I really like the kids I have the fortune to work with (who by the way did something so fantastic it's almost unbelievable today) because that's what keeps me going through times like this.Nevertheless, a couple of weeks ago, I attended a cybercrop at Mimas and made a few challenges, even won one of them, and today I'll show you my favourite ones of the layouts I made. The first one I put on a canvas which I hung in our hall. Lovely G45 papers, of course (what else?)
And then this one, of my Rockstar DD. G45 papers here too...
So, well, that's it for today. Not much, but at least, I DID blog :o) Yay me!
Here's the second layout I made as a guest designer for Scrapping the Music Germany. The title of the song is "Die Stadt schläft" (The city is asleep) by Thomas D, and thus the dark cityscape and the photo of my sleeping son. It's been a pleasure playing along at STMG these weeks. Thank's for having me, girls!
I was fortunate enough to win a contest I entered a little while ago at MiMa's Scrapbooking, and I got this fabulous package of Maja Design papers and embellishments. And do you know what was so fabulous about it? The papers were yellow and purple, but in a really soft shade. I have like a huge stash of purple flowers and chrystal brads and stuff, don't know why, but they're always on discount for som reason, so I buy and hide them away in my stash. I've had quite a lot of trouble finding matching papers, and here they finally were. So I made two quick layouts and had a blast!The first one is with photos of the kids occupied with cleaning out the treehouse.
And this is my little Easter witch, all dressed up for an Easter party at her daycare. Isn't she too cute? And I hope nobody notices that she has little batmans all over her scarf *lol*. I couldn't find a decent one, so we had to borrow one from big brother.
And MiMas are hosting an online crop this weekend. You know how it is, when you plan on participating in such an event, time never seems to last, but I will at least try to do so.
Right now, time flies by so fast that it seems like the weeks consist only of Mondays and Fridays. The rest is just a blur. You blink once, it's Monday, you blink again, and its Friday.
This weekend, I've actually found both the inspiration and the time to scrap a little for the challenges over at Magdas' online crop. But before I show you the results of that, I must show you what I did for my first week as a GDT at STM Germany. I just love this picture of Agnes. I took it the other day out in the garden. I wanted her to look into the camera, but she wasn't all that interested in cooperating, so eventually I asked her: "Agnes, where's the camera?" And then she pointed in my direction and shouted: "There!!!" And that's when I got this picture. 
Here's a layout using stuff from the April kit from the Nook. It's full of Pink Paislee goodies, and I love it!
Here's another Pink Paislee layout. And I must tell you the story here. I had printed the photo for this one and put it on the desk together with the papers I was going to use, thinking of making a layout with the story about when Agnes had chickenpox. And then I went to make dinner. Suddenly I heard Agnes crying from inside my scraproom, saying over and over again: "What have I done? What have I done?" I ran in there, thinking the worst, that she had rubbed an inkpad over the desk, or turned a jar of flowers upside down or something like that, but she just sat on my chair with the photo in her hand, crying. Poor thing, she thought she looked horrible. So we explained to her that she had been sick and that's why she was full of spots. Oh, man, she really was sick at that time. She caught it really bad. She had spots everywhere, even on the inside of her eyelids. It's a good thing she can't remember. Anyway, I knew I had to tell that little story on the layout instead.
Here's Albin, at the place he loves the most; curled up in bed with his huge teddybear and a good book. He's an avid reader, even though he's such a little guy. He has taught himself to read, and that makes me so proud. That's my boy!
And the last one for today - about our Lisa, and the things she does. Isn't she the cutest? So, that's all I have to share today. Thanks for stopping by.
The sun is shining, it's really warm, and there's just one week left before the Easter holiday! And more, this makes me happy today too.(And for those of you who, like me, don't know many words of the German language, I'm really really proud to be this month's guest designer for Scrapping the Music Germany.)