onsdag 29 juni 2011

My first layout for Riddersholm Design

I got a package last week loaded with goodness from Riddersholm Design. For this layout I've used the yummy collection Bello Pastello. Agnes just turned 5, and this is she, just before all of her little guests arrived to her party. Can you guess she was anxious?
Don't you just love this little pink cameo charm? It's lovely!

I have more stuff done for Riddersholm, and I'm working on a pretty big little project right now, that I will show you later on. Until then, why not hopping over to the Riddersholm blog and see what the other DT-members are up to?

tisdag 28 juni 2011

Maja Design Lantliv

Lantliv is Swedish for country life, and that sure does suit me well at the moment! Our farmhose is slowly getting the way we want it to be, and we are starting to spend more and more time there. We aren't going to move out for quite some time, because there is an issue with the heating that must be dealt with first, but now, in the summer, it's perfectly fine to stay there over the weekend, or for a couple of days every now and then. We have only a few more rooms to finish up indoors, and now I'm going to spend some time renovating the windows. They are the only thing left of the hideous 70's renovation that still aren't dealt with, and they are still brown on the inside, but I'm going to paint them all white, and that will take me quite some time, I guess.

Sometimes people ask me what on earth we are thinking, moving into this tiny little house, with its tiny little rooms and low ceilings, when we are living in a good-sized, airy, modern, and very functional house as it is. I get the feeling some people even think we are a bit crazy. Maybe we are, but for me, moving into this house is really like getting back to my roots a little bit. I grew up in a house on the countryside, not entirely unlike this one. I was used to having privacy, minding my own business, and having fields and meadows around me. Living the way we are now and have been for so many years, cramped up between all these other houses, knowing that people around us mind how we mow our lawn, cut our hedge, and tend to our business is slowly eating me alive. That's not me, that's not how I want it to be. That's why I'm leaving it behind. And there's no feeling quite like the one you get walking across a field, or in the woods, knowing that the land you walk on is yours and you are free to do whatever you like with it.

So, the farmhouse it is. OK, it is quite small, and the ceilings are really low, but that doesn't matter when you open the front door and the sky is so high, and there are fields, meadows and woods all around. So what if the house is small? We are adding to it in a few year, when the sloped ceilings upstairs are becoming too low for our growing children. Until then, we'll be fine.

Tha collection Lantliv, or Live in the Country, from Maja Design couldn't have been more perfect for a layout about our farmhouse, now our summer paradise, but in a not too distant future, our all-year-around-paradise.
I've also used it for a layout about strawberries (yummy!)

All the supplies for these two layouts can be found at Scraplagret.

söndag 26 juni 2011

Making faces

Believe it or not - here's another post from me today! This is also for a challenge, a sketch challenge at Get Picky.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to get a decent photo of my Agnes. She is just making faces all the time! So, here are some of her most recent faces... Since I have so many photos of her looking like this, I might as well make something out of them, right?

My Girlie

I found this really nice new challenge blog - challenge me happy - just as I was in the mood for making a layout and had no idea how to get started. That happens once in a while. So, I took a look at the photo they had for inspiration and this is what I came up with.
I was inspired by the color scheme and the brick wall of the photo, and to some extent the windows, which had me adding a white frame to the photo.

onsdag 15 juni 2011

måndag 6 juni 2011

A perfect day

Some days I wish I could just fold together neatly and make a keepsake of to keep forever and ever, just to be able to pick them out and relive them over and over again. One of those days happened a couple of weeks ago. My little brother paid us a visit, we took a walk in the woods and had a picknick on our dear island. The weather was perfect, the scenery was wonderful and we had such a great time together. Moments with my little brother are very rare these day, since we live quite far apart, so we all cherished that day a little extra. I took a lot of pictures, obviously, and this is far from the best one, but it is perfect in a sense that it shows just how silly we were and how much fun we had. In a way, scrapbooking does just that. It tucks away days to be remembered and relived over and over again. I know now for sure I will never forget this day, because I will forever have it
hidden away in my albums.

söndag 5 juni 2011

Some late night blogging

We are having a few days off from school and work, my family and I, and it has been a really nice few days so far, except for the fact that P hurt the back of his neck really, really bad last week, so he hasn't been able to move around very much. Our to-do list at the farm was miles long before this holiday, and guess what? We haven't really narrowed it down very much. Obviously. Except for the shopping part, that is. We have bought a fridge, a freezer, paint, new floors for two rooms and everything we need to finish those two rooms up completely. So soon, very soon our little farmhouse is actually inhabitable, at least now in the summertime. I've been working as much as possible these last few days, but things move along a great deal slower when P can't help out. Today, however, I took an all day break from renovating, and spent it at KiAs butik, the local scrapbook store my friend Kristin has opened (it's actually VERY local. It's a five minute walk from my house.), where I've been cropping all day.

So, to celebrate the grand opening of KiAs, I made this, my own interpretation of Kristin's store.

The papers are Basic Grey's Hello Luscious, from the My Scrapbook Nook May kit.

So, I know I really should have spent the day renovating, to be able to move into the farmhouse sooner, and to be able to sit there in the garden every night listening to the nightingale singing his heart out and watching the swallows flying in and out of the barn, and enjoying all those things that made us want to buy the farm in the first place. But hey, a girl has to scrap once in a while too to remain happy and content, right? So today was my day doing just that, and tomorrow I'm back struggling with the paintbrush again, a lot happier that I would have been if I had not been cropping with my dear friends today.