So, it was May...
...and hell broke lose. May is always a busy month for me, with my job at a school and all grading and stuff that is going on this month. Besides, I also managed to have both of my precious children in May. People said I was lucky to have them in May, because it's such a great month for birthday parties. Well, I don't know about that... that probably depends on your profession. May is not a good month for birthday parties if there are too many of them, and if you are a teacher on top of that. Let me just say, it was a long time since I really enjoyed the beauty of this wonderful month to the fullest. Anyway, Dear Blog ended up way down on my priority list. But since it is May, I just have to show you a few layouts I've made with the May kit from My Scrapbook Nook, with the lovely October Afternoon line Fly a kite. It's perfect for May layouts!Here's my girl with her most darling smile:
And my gorgeous boy, who just turned seven!
And my gorgeous boy once again:
And guess what my gorgeous boy got from a friend for his birthday? Yes, a KITE! So, as soon as the weather and the time allows, we'll fly a kite and take tons of photos to use with what's left of this kit :)
Go out and enjoy May, those of you who can.
5 kommentarer:
Makalöst fina!!!
Du gör så grymt läckra layouter! Tack för all inspiration du delar med dig av! Önskar dig en trevlig helg och hoppas du får vila lite från jobbet!
WOW så snygga layouter allihop!!!!
Hoppas du kan lugna ner tempot snart och njuta av lite ledighet!
Åh så läckra dina LO´s är! Jag bara älskar dessa papper från OA.
Så många fina layouter. Tack för fin inspiration.
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