Can you believe this, I actually have a layout to show here tonight. It's been a while. The last kit for the We Dare You contest got lost somewhere on the way here, and that made me so not want to go on with it. It sure is a lot of fun, and I definitely have the time to participate with one LO a week, but thanks to the missing kit I got more and more behind, so when I finally got a new kit, I had three LOs do do in one week, plus getting back to work full time, and having a couple of projects thet needed do be done before this weekend. Well, I decided to lower my ambitions, forget about the two weeks I missed out on, and finish this weeks challenge. I'll see if I can do them later on, if ever...
Här är i alla fall veckans We Dare You, om mina (fusk)Crocs, som jag hyser en viss hatkärlek till. De är sååå fula så det är inte klokt, och jag hade lovat mig själv att jag aldrig skulle visa mig i sådana, men tack vare en trist inflammation i ena foten har jag haft svårt att gå i mina sköna men platta och hårda sandaler i sommar, och de här är i alla fall svalare än dämpade jympadojjor. Men jag använder dem helst inte offentligt...
Here's this weeks We Dare You, about my (fake)Crocs, which I both love and hate at the same time. They are so ugly, and I wouldn't ever have bought a pair if it wasn't for my aching right foot. I have had some trouble walking in my vert flat and hard sandals this summer, and it has been way too hot for my comfy sneakers some days. So I gave up and got myself a pair. But I only use them around the house, though. 

Kanten runt layouten är inspirerad av den här fantastiska tjejen. Hon har en länk till en tutorial på sin blogg, och jag var bara tvungen att prova. Det blev så fint! Fast det syns inte så bra på bilden, för jag var tvungen att fora i mörker...
The edge around the layout was inspired by this girl, who makes the most fantastic things! There is a link to a tutorial at her blog, and I just had to try it out! Love it! You can't see it that well in the pic, because I had to take it in the dark.
1 kommentar:
Så snygg LO, gillade verkligen kanten.. Har sparat länken i mina favoriter!
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