I told you about the spinner album I was making for Zutter, from their spinner album kit. I swear, it's one of the funniest projects I've ever made, and I love how it turned out. However, it was really difficult to photograph, since I just can't help myself from putting all those bulky embellishments there, so the pages don't stay open without someone holding them open, and that someone had to be me. So, I ended up putting the camera on the table in front of the album, supporting it with the lens cap (good for more than protecting the lens, that one) to get the right angle and then I held the pages open with one hand and pressed the button with the other. Yes, I think I need to get a remote for the camera. That would really make these kinds of things easier, LOL.

The other day I got the greatest package from the US - the entire Fashionista collection, which I won in the May challenge at G45. And that is great, because I was almost out of Fashionista papers. That's all for today, everyone. And thank you for your sweet, sweet comments about my Cosmo Cricket post.