A not so productive weekend
At least not as productive as I had wished for. I was planning to play along with a bunch of challenges some of the girls at The Nook had for us, but I only had time to finish two of them. And now, looking back, what the heck did I do this weekend? Well, I scrapped Friday night, visited the Baltic Festival saturday (and had a yummy "Smålandsrulle"), did some laundry, and that's about it, I guess. Oh, no, we did go to see a movie yesterday night too. A really great Swedish detective story. I loved it.I did however complete two of the challenges. The first one I found at Camilla's blog, where she wanted us to scrap a romantic layout. I made this one, with a photo of my DS and his sweet little girlfriend. Aren't they cute? I hope it's romantic enough, Camilla!
The next layout is based on a sketch I found at sweet Zarah's blog. She's an awesome sketchmaker, that girl! The title means "You are so alike", and they are alike, my little man and my big man, aren't they? Totally gorgeous, both of them.
And then I have a little toot to share - look at this!
Amazing, isn't it? Thank you so much, Ruth, for your kind words. I'm blushing here! ♥
6 kommentarer:
Hejsan, gud vad mycket härligt det fanns här hos dig, man kan inte låta bli att dra på smilbanden när man ser på dina väl scrappade arbeten!!
Hade gärna blivit en följare till din blog...
ska försöka komma ihåg din blog ändå, vill inte gärna missa detta!
Kram Annacarin
Men oh, så vacker layouten om din son är! Så romantisk! Jag bara älskar bakgrundspappret dessutom - vad är det för märke?
Å så fina! Älskar färgerna i den översta=)
Underbara layouter, som vanligt! Älskar att kika in här emellanåt och se vad du har hittat på. Tänkte att jag inte skulle va "den tysta musen" längre utan lämnar en liten kommentar!!!! Och ett STORT grattis till publiceringen på Inspirational!
beautiful layouts, Jenny!
Japp, jag såg dig på Inspirational - kul! Otroligt snygga LOer nu igen!
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