måndag 29 december 2008
As if I need another hobby...

söndag 28 december 2008
Pink and clouds...

fredag 26 december 2008
Santa's coming!

I found the inspiration for the border around the circle at Leah's blog, with this wonderful layout. And seing that one, the more reason there is to look forward to the January kit♥!
tisdag 23 december 2008
Merry Christmas!

So, I'd like to wish you all happy holidays, and hopefully I'll have some scrappy stuff to show in a little while.
lördag 20 december 2008
Check this out!
tisdag 16 december 2008
Laura's sketch 15, and another totally unexpected thing...
Last week I had to have a little break from my usual monday routine. There was no time for cardmaking, just work, work, work. It always gets a little crazy this time of year, when there aren't many days left of the term, but still papers to grade and students you have to chase to get assignments handed in. But we're all done with that now, and Friday is the last day of school before the Christmas holidays. I'm spending a great deal of this week crafting with a group of students, and they are so creative! At times like these, I really love my job. Well, I love my job all the time, just a little bit more this week.
So, I did make a card for Laura's sketch over at 2 sketches this week. I suddenly realized that I was in a hurry to get the remaining Christmas cards done, so I managed to make a whole bunch of them last night. The Nook December kit came in really handy.

//Jenny, shaken, not stirred
Kortskissen 37

torsdag 11 december 2008
Totally unexpected...
I won with this layout - most of the stuff is from the December Nook kit.

lördag 6 december 2008
A little something for Agnes' room

fredag 5 december 2008
Bind-It-All Christmas Cards!

måndag 1 december 2008
Laura's sketch 14

söndag 30 november 2008
It's Advent!!!
Here's one of the corners of our hall earlier this evening. Please ignore the tangled cords under the table, you have to keep phones and stuff somewhere, unfortunately... I bought the lantern at a sale last week, and I love it! I chose between this one and a shabby white one, but now I'm really happy I decided on this one. I painted the canvases a couple of years ago, and on the white one there is a message to Santa. that the children in this house have been good, and deserve their presents.
And here's the first candle lit. I've used Grungeboard numbers, which I've painted with silver Maya Mist, and then attached them with some black metal cord wrapped around the candle. Easy peasy, and cute.
And now it's time to start using this one, a little Christmas recipe book I've made as one of this month's projects with my Bind-It-All. I've used these beautiful Maja Design papers, so perfect for a project like this!
This book has dividers to separate different kinds of recipes from one another. I'm having one for candy, one for cookies and cakes and then the rest for different kinds of Christmas-related food. I've just started filling it out, and there's lots of papers to write on (cheap, white paper for the printer) Here's one of my favourite recipes. I've planned to add photos later on.
onsdag 26 november 2008
måndag 24 november 2008
Kazan's sketch 14

I want to say thank you to all of those who take the time to leave a little comment each week. I'm so happy for all of them, and it really means a lot to me. Thank you also to those of you who give me the occasional award and challenge as well. I hope you don't think I'm ungrateful for not being quick about passing them on (I will, eventually). It's just that I try to combine being a full time teacher with being a mum and taking care of the home as well, plus trying to find some precious crafting time, and I guess you all know how difficult that is. So I try to spend a little less time here at the computer, which means less blogging and no time for answering questionnaires and such things. I'll try to find some time for that during the holidays.
Have a great week, all of you, and happy Thanksgiving, to those of you who celebrate that.
torsdag 20 november 2008
Guest designer for The Nook

måndag 17 november 2008
Laura's sketch 13

Early visit from Santa

Just look at all this stuff! Just for me! I'm going to have so much fun with this, I'll tell you that! And here's the Pink Lady in all her spendour, and with all her little pink friends.

söndag 16 november 2008
DT-layouts for Katscrap
This first layout is made from a die cut paper from Crate, and one of the Valentine papers. The journaling spot is a FP overlay. Lovely, isn't it? I've used my brand new ♥Slice♥ for the title, and I'm absolutely in love with that little thing. This font is from the Noteworthy card.

måndag 10 november 2008
Kortskissen #32
Kortskissen har dragit igång igen efter att ha pausat ett tag, och det passar mig alldeles utmärkt! Här är min tolkning av veckans skiss. Den underbara julrutan hittar ni hos Mirabyll.

Kazan's sketch 13

onsdag 5 november 2008
A couple of Christmas cards

måndag 3 november 2008
Laura's sketch 12

söndag 2 november 2008
A few new layouts
This layout is for a challenge to use black and white only, not so easy, since I really really felt like sneaking in just a tiny red or blue detail, but I managed to keep myself from doing that, and this is the result. The journaling spot is from this girl, who makes the most fabulous things that she GIVES AWAY at her blog. Thank's Mirabyll, you're an angel!

lördag 1 november 2008
Two little Pirate Princesses

fredag 31 oktober 2008
Happy Halloween!